Crying Eyes


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Ger Ger's Poem Page #5

Why am I hurting like this
Why is the pain so unbearable
Why do I cry constantly
When I think about my family
I cry
When I think about the friends I had
I cry
When I think about myself
I don't cry
There are no tears left
My eyes are dry
Red and puffy
I wonder why
There are no tears left for me

She lies sleeping in her bed
Dreaming of how life could be
Living out her dreams...her wishes
She has friends who care about her
People who actually love her
Her relatives don't snub her
They're actually nice
No one makes rude comments
No one totally ignores her like before
Her dream seems to last a long time
But not long enough for her
She soon wakes up
She realizes where she's at
Hurt....and all alone....

I wish there was someone out there
That feels the way that I do
Someone that knows what it's like
To cry every day for no reason at all
Someone who feels the pain I do
When people around you fight constantly
Someone wjo knows what it's like
To want to sleep and never wake up
I wish there was someone out there
Who could really understand me
:::sigh::: why am I all alone.....

I wish I had enough strength to trust again
I wish people knew the pain and hurt they cause me
I wish that I wasn't a failure at everything
I wish I had the courage to go on
I wish only the best for the people I love
Why Can't they wish that for me...

When the girl looks in the mirror
The image she sees is distorted
At least in her mind anyway
She sees herself as someone she possibly can't be
Her hair is dull and brown
Her face looks sunken in
Her skin pale and dry
But there's something about her eyes
They are bright and clear
Something lurks behind them
Something that wants to be let out
She's hiding a secret
Everyone tells her how skinny she is
She doesn't see how that could be possible
She is scared
She doesn't know what's going on
She just wants to be like the other girls
She just wants to be normal...

I came into your life suddenly
Just as you are leaving mine
You stopped when you reached the door
Turned around and said I love you
Hugged me and said goodbye
And walked out of the door
Out of my life